Constant Leaf Tobacco is leaf tobacco merchant company which proceeds all its operations in Osh Fermantion Plant includes 20.000sqm warehouses & 60tons daily production capacity, in line with international standarts to provide worldwide servise of semi-oriental Dubek 44-07 & oriental Izmir tobacco varieties for Multinational & National cigarette manifacturer & traders.The Company directly employs 65 permanent & 523 seasonal staff.
CLT empowers over 7500 farmers with their families & 500 small businesses such as transporters, loaders expand the seasonally labour forces. The company supports its farmers about agricultural & labour practices with a comprehensive approach. Constant Leaf Tobacco’s agronomists and field technicians regularly meet with our contracted growers to educate them in their villages on tobacco activity practices as well as monitor them for compliance with our tobacco policies
CLT purchases, processes, packs, stores and exports Semi-Oriental Dubek & Oriental tobaccos to countries all over world. CLT neither manufactures nor sells cigarettes or other consumer tobacco products. Company is Closed Joint Company in Kyrgyzstan
Constant Leaf Tobacco states that the company is against Child labour not only in tobacco business but also in all kind of industries. Therefore ,The Company pressures in every steps of growing tobacco to eradicate child labour form tobacco fields.
Constant Leaf Tobacco headquarters & factory are located in Jany Aryk Village, Osh City in Kyrgyzstan.